Frequently asked questions about eZug

On this page you will find the answers to frequently asked questions about the eZug smart government solution. Simply navigate through the various categories.

Can't find the answer you're looking for in our FAQ? We will be happy to help you. You can find all information about direct contact under Contact.


Ask your question

Can I use eZug without ZUGLOGIN?

No, ZUGLOGIN is a prerequisite for eZug use.

How can I activate ZUGLOGIN?

By post or by visiting the reception of your local authority or the Zug library in person.

Who can activate ZUGLOGIN?

Natural persons who are liable to pay tax in the canton of Zug.

How can I sign digitally?

Select your signatures in the settings and then enter your Skribble login details. Now you can see your Skribble documents under Documents/My Documents. If you don't have a Skribble account yet, you can create one for free.

Which documents / services can I obtain via eZug?

The following documents and services can currently be obtained via eZug:

  • Extract from the debt collection register
  • Certificate of origin / Interim pass
  • Certificate of residence
  • Certificate of residence for moving in and out
  • Certificate of legal capacity
  • Certificate of good conduct

My account is deactivated, how do I reactivate it?

If your account have been deactivated, follow these steps.

  1. Go to the home screen and click on "Deactivated" at the top right.
  2. Now click on "Connect now".
  3. Enter your login credentials.
  4. You will now receive an email.
  5. Scan the QR-Code using the scanner in the eZug app

Great, you are now verified again.

How can I verify an electronic signature?

Upload the PDF document to the validator and you will see all the information about the digital signature.

What is eZug?

eZug is a digital platform, an app for Zug residents. With the eZug app, you can obtain digital services and official, legally valid documents.

What can I do with eZug?

With eZug you can obtain services and official documents electronically. The documents and data are electronically signed in a legally valid manner. Furthermore, you can forward the electronically signed documents obtained in this way directly from the eZug app as often as you like. Example: You can send a extract from the debt collection register directly to the landlord after viewing a flat, and each recipient receives a digital original.

Can I use the eZug app with a ZUGLOGIN for legal entities?

No, this is not possible. The eZug app can only be used with a ZUGLOGIN for natural persons.

How safe is eZug?

Access to eZug works via ZUGLOGIN and is secured by an additional factor (PIN). The downloaded documents are stored in a protected area on your smartphone.

Why is my ZUGLOGIN not working in the eZug app?

The eZug app only works with a ZUGLOGIN for natural persons.
If you use a ZUGLOGIN for legal entities, you cannot use the eZug app.

Which operating system does eZug run on?

The eZug app is available on iOS (from version 13.4) as well as on Android (from version 6).

How can I open an eZug account?

First you need a ZUGLOGIN account. Then you can download the eZug app and get started right away.

How can I change the PIN code?

You can change the PIN code in the settings under "Change PIN code". After entering the current PIN code, you can define a new one. The PIN code must have 6 digits.

How can I unsubscribe from the app?

A menu item Logout has been deliberately omitted from the eZug app. Simply close the app via the normal process.

When can I use eZug as a non-resident of Zug?

In the first phase, eZug will be used exclusively for services for Zug residents. Thanks to the connection to ZUGLOGIN, eZug is an open solution for all municipalities oft he canton of Zug.

How can I pay in the eZug app?

You can currently pay with Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PostFinance Card and TWINT.

How can I delete my eZug account?

In the eZug app, go to Settings and select "Delete my eZug" under Profile.

You already have a ZUGLOGIN user account?

  1. Download the eZug app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store to your smartphone.
  2. Launch the eZug app and activate it by logging in with your ZUGLOGIN customer number and password. You can then start using the app straight away.

How do I increase the signature standard?

To obtain the QES signature, please contact our staff via the contact form (eZug - Contact). They will get in touch with you to discuss the next steps.

I can no longer digitally sign, what could be the reason?

If you have a new smartphone or Sim card, you can re-verify yourself in the MobileID App using your recovery code. To do this, delete your Mobile ID account and register again with your mobile number and the recovrey code.

If you have lost your recovery code, please contact our support via the contact form.(eZug - Contact)

WIe kann ich meine E-Mail-Adresse ändern?

Falls du noch Zugriff auf die eZug App hast gehe wie folgt vor:

  1. Öffne die eZug App
  2. Klicke auf "Nützliche Links"
  3. Wähle "Zuglogin"
  4. Gehe in die "Sicherheitseinstellungen"

Hier kannst du nun deine E-Mail-Adresse anpassen.

Wenn du das Passwort vergessen hast, kannst du es über diesen Link zurücksetzen in dem du 2 Sicherheitsfragen beantwortest. Wenn du die Sicherheitsfragen vergessen hast, wende dich über das Kontaktformular an uns.

What happens if I forget the PIN code?

After three failed pin entries, you will be blocked for 60 seconds. Then you have another attempt. If this also fails, you will be blocked for a further 120 seconds. You cannot reset the PIN code yourself, but must uninstall and reinstall the eZug app. Then you can set a new PIN code.

How can I forward a document to a third party?

Using the "share" function of the smartphone, the document can be saved on the privately used cloud solution or forwarded to third parties.

How can I change the photo of my eZug profile?

Click on the photo, then click on the pencil at the bottom right, then on the photo to take it again.

What is the QR Scanner menu item for?

The QR scanner enables verification of one's identity via other websites & services.

How can I change the personal details of my eZug account?

Your personal attributes are managed by the Residents' Registration Office. You can change your communication attributes (e-mail and mobile phone number) yourself in your ZUGLOGIN user account. eZug will then automatically transfer your data from ZUGLOGIN.

Where can I get help if I have a problem with the eZug app?

eZug Support
+41 58 728 91 99
Mon-Sun 7am to 10pm

You don't have a ZUGLOGIN user account yet?

  1. Are you from the canton of Zug? Then apply for your user account in writing or at the counter: Written application / application at the counter
  2. You don't live in the canton of Zug but would still like a ZUGLOGIN? Then open your user account at the counter: Application at the counter Note, however, that the functions of eZug will be available to you only in a limited way.

Why can't I open attachments in the school portal?

If you own a Samsung smartphone, you need to change the default browser app in the phone's settings to one other than Samsung's own browser.

What do I need the MobileID app for?

You need the MobileID App to verify yourself during the signature process.

What does eZug cost?

Download, registration and use of the eZug app are free of charge.
The documents that can be ordered in the app are available for the same price as in the municipalities.

CHF 18 - extract from the debt collection register
CHF 20 - for all other documents

Why are documents delivered exclusively to the app?

E-mails with attachments as well as phishing attacks are a growing danger.

What happens to my documents when I uninstall the eZug app?

All documents within the eZug app will be lost if they are uninstalled and must be ordered again at a charge. It is recommended that you save the ordered documents in a safe place outside of your smartphone so that you always have them available.

Why do I get a server error 500 when I try to log in to the eZug app?

You are using a ZUGLOGIN for legal entities. You cannot use this for the eZug app. You need a ZUGLOGIN for natural persons.

I have lost my Authorization code, where can I get a new one?

If you can't find your Authorization code anymore, please contact us via the contact form.

In my dual role as a teacher and a parent, I would like to know how I can fulfill both roles in the school portal?

If you hold a dual role, you can add a second email address to your eZug app: one for personal matters and one for professional purposes. Depending on which function you wish to use in the school portal, select the appropriate role when logging into the portal.

How do I add a second email adress?

If you want to add a second emal adress, for example, one for personal and one for business purposes, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your eZug app.
  2. Click on your initials in the top left corner.
  3. Now click on the pen icon that appears in the bottom right corner.
  4. Add your desired email adress.
  5. You will no receive an email, click on "Verify Email" in this email or scan the QR code with the eZug app scanner.

Congratulations! You have successfully added a second email adress.

What should I consider when switching to a new smartphone?

As soon as you log in with your ZugLogin on a new device, you will be logged out on the old one. Therefore, the following points should be considered:

  • Do I still have my login details? If not, please contact us via contact form.
  • Have I ordered documents) If yes, create a backup on the old device.
  • Do I have two email adresses in the app? If yes, after logging in, click on yout initials in the top left corner and check one is your main adress. You can add the second one by clicking the pencil icon in the bottom right.

Now, you can go to "Settings" and "Personalize Home Screen* to rearrange your tiles and reactivate your desired notifications.

What happens when I get a new smartphone?

Save all documents from the eZug app to a location outside your old smartphone. Install the eZug app on your new smartphone and log in with your ZUGLOGIN details. You can now use the eZug services as usual. However, any documents you have already received will not be transferred, but you have saved them beforehand.

Can I use the school portal on my computer?

Yes, you can use the school portal on your computer

Now you are on the desktop version of the school portal

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